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Apology of the Day: HuffPo editors remove article calling for Glenn Beck sex tape

August 30, 2010

I don’t read HuffPo. It’s generally disgusting enough to avoid, so I do. I’m frankly surprised that this happened. The only reason I can fathom is the turning tide of Dems going against their own in a desperate attempt to save some seats in congress in November. HuffPo is just one more source losing a bit of  its blind dedication to the Lefty cause. Still, this is strange.

A blogger apologized Monday after editors at the Huffington Post removed his opinion article offering $100,000 for a “sex tape or phone records or anything else” that succeeds in removing Fox News host Glenn Beck “from the public eye forever.”

via HuffPo editors remove article calling for Glenn Beck sex tape | The Daily Caller – Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment.


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